It is time to get things going with the Creative Writing Guild for 2009! I hope everyone had a great winter break, and maybe even did some writing. I hope to begin meetings in February, meeting on a Tuesday and Thursday schedule again which I hope to get written out and set up soon. In the next two weeks I hope to have the schedule out, flyers around school and information about the next publication. Due to the success of the first two publications I will be asking student association for more funding and hopefully BFAW as well.
Two things to check out:
1) In Preparation, a zine currently edited by BFAW student Alyssa Martinez. The deadline for the February issue is this Friday, January 30th. Submit stuff!!! more info can be found here:
2) The 2009 AWP Conference and Book Fair in Chicago February 11-14, Passes to the events can be bought on-site for a student price of $45
information can be found here: