Anyone reading this, probably already received this info via e-mail, but just to reiterate so you don't miss this pivotal, career changing meeting,
The first meeting of CWG will be this THURSDAY, that’s the 30th, in room 1302B in the Michigan bld, at 4:30. So run over to Columbus and get your donut, and then run back over to the 13th floor cause you don’t want to miss CWG!
Our faculty adviser this year is Sherry Antonini, who will be joining us tomorrow. There is a lot to talk about, including but not limited to, Publication ideas, titles, themes, the CWG’s brand new Radio show, featuring, YOUR work, and discussing a reading series and the location and organization of… and lastly, we’ll cover the CWG blog- which if you haven’t seen, go check it out. It’s a place for you to post writing and get feedback, or find readings to attend, or just say hi.
So bring you ideas, your apple cider, and maybe if we’re lucky we can do some writing together, or just have a licorice fight with all the student association’s candy. Hope to see you tomorrow!
4:30-5:30. 1302B Michigan.
<3 Cait Stephens